PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit 2022 calls for responsible innovation and adaptive reinvention

PropertyGuru Group (NYSE: PGRU), Southeast Asia’s leading property technology company, has returned its thought leadership platform, the PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit (ARES), to the physical stage, drawing the most brilliant minds from around the world.

Following the sucessful virtual summit editions in 2020 and 2021, the 2022 edition of PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit, supported by the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and PropertyGuru for Business, is themed ‘Adaptive Reinvention.’ The day-long programme focused on the way forward for the real estate and tech sectors as they emerge from the pandemic era and continue reckoning with climate realities.

ARES 2022 took place 8 December 2022, marking 15 years since the foundation of PropertyGuru Group. The 2022 edition of the Summit also coincided with the launch of its enterprise brand, ProeprtyGuru for Business.

Hari V. Krishnan, chief executive officer and managing director of PropertyGuru Group, said, “Today, PropertyGuru completes fifteen years of operations, and we mark it with the launch of our enterprise solutions brand ‘PropertyGuru For Business’, that aims to guide enterprise clients such as property developers, agencies, banks, valuers, city planners and policymakers.  It is our ambition to bring transparency within the real estate journey and create a trust platform for home seekers and our business partners. By harnessing the integrated power of our proprietary data, technology and people, we hope to empower our business partners and customers to make better informed decisions.

Jeremy Williams, managing director for marketplaces at PropertyGuru Group, said: “For the eighth year, the PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit has gathered the brightest minds from around the world the world. Over these eight years, our goal for PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit has remained constant: to educate, innovate and inspire—sharing ideas, inspiring innovation, and developing practical solutions that can help improve our built environments. 

The 8th PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit was thematically divided into four segments: Restart/Rebound; Revive/Reboot; Rethink/Reset; and Reimagine/Reinvent.

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