The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce successfully holds the National SME Forum 2021 in Tamil
In an effort to support all players in the SME Eco-system, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce recently held a National SME Forum in collaboration with public, private and Non-Governmental sector organizations engaged in SME Sector development.
This virtual engagement initiated high level policy discussions with an aim to accelerate economic growth through creating a dynamic SME sector. The forum was held on 28th August 2021 via the zoom platform under the theme ‘Accelerating economic growth through creation of a dynamic SME sector’ in tamil language.
The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector is identified as a strategic sector in the overall policy objectives of successive Governments and it is seen as a driver of change for inclusive economic growth, regional development, employment generation and poverty reduction. SME sector is envisaged to contribute to transform lagging regions into emerging regions of prosperity.
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce strongly believes that the SME sector can make a significant contribution towards achieving the macro-economic targets placed for 2020-2025 under the National Policy Framework, “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”.
The “Sri Lanka Economic Acceleration Framework 2025” formulated by the Chamber also identifiesthe SME sector as a strategic sector in the Sri Lankan economy and has proposed a series of actions for SME sector Development. The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has established the Centre for SMEs as the focal point for facilitation for all SME/Entrepreneurship Development initiatives of the Chamber in order to support the National Vision of creating a dynamic SME Sector.
National SME Forum had an inaugural session followed by 4 thematic sessions focused on critical issues pertaining to SME sector development. The forum was inaugurated by Mr. Vish Govindasamy – Chairman, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the keynote address was delivered by Mr. SivakrishnarajahRenganathan – Managing Director, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC. The inaugural session further highlighted the Government’s efforts and measures taken to uplift the SME sector and lead up to five timely sessions featuring industry experts and thought leaders representing various fields of expertise.
The forum coveredcritical areas such as access to finance to invest inmodernization, expansion and successful operation while addressing issues pertaining to demand and supply, facilitation of accessing suitable markets for products and services focussed on increasing exports and the use of digital marketing, promotion of new technology transfer and innovation, use of digital technology which can enhance performance and opportunities for SMEs, as well as the role of chambers in regional SME development.
The National SME Forum was sponsored by Facebook and Peoples Bank. The electronic media partner was DAN TV.