CSE offers guidance to its stakeholders on Tax Reforms
The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) with the support of the Inland Revenue Department of Sri Lanka, PWC Sri Lanka andFirst Capital Holdings (Pvt) Ltd,recently conducted an online forum to discuss the tax reforms that have been proposed by the Sri Lankan Government.
The Forum themed “Understanding Recent Tax Reforms –How it affects Investors and Businesses” focused on the salient features of the proposals, including Tax Exemptions, Taxable Income, Relevant Provisions in the context of amendments, Understanding practical implications of indirect Tax, Tax Benefits of listing on the CSEand Recent Tax Reforms.
At the forum, Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, Mr. Pradeep Silva presented a detailed analysis on Taxable Income/Tax Exemption/Relevant Provisions in the context of amendments which was followed by a presentation onUnderstanding practical implications of indirect Tax by the Senior Deputy Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department, Mr. Nandana Kumara. Senior Consultant Tax Services of PWC, Ms. Deepani Herath also presented an Industry Specific Analysis on Recent Tax Reforms. The speakers joined a panel discussion segment which was moderated by the Head of Research of First Capital Holdings (Pvt) Ltd,Mr.Dimantha Mathew.
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