Watawala Plantations further improves livelihood of people in Southern Province

Further committing to its social and economic development initiatives in the Southern Province, Sri Lanka’s diversified agribusiness company Watawala Plantations PLC (CSE: WATA) recently handed over a dispensary and a modern, fully equipped preschool with digital learning facilities and play area equipment to the people of Kotelawala Village, Udugama in Galle.

The official handing over ceremony of the dispensary and Montessori to the public was graced by Minister of Plantation Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, Member of the Parliament Isuru Dodangoda, Watawala Plantations Director VishGovindasamy, Watawala Plantations Chief Executive Officer BineshPananwala, Watawala Plantations Deputy General Manager – Galle District Dhanushka Daswatte, key government officials and WATA employees. The donation, which is a part of WATA’s ongoing social welfare programme titled ‘WatawalaKalanaMithru’, will uplift 678 families and more than 2500 villagers in the area by offering free healthcare and education facilities. The total investment of the project was Rs. 10 million.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Plantation Dr. Ramesh Pathirana said, “Watawala Plantations is one of the foremost companies in the country that actively engage in uplfiting the livelihood of different stakeholders of the plantation community. Over the years, Watawala Plantations has always supported the government and its various development initiatives in this region and across Sri Lanka. The company annualy allocates a huge amount of money to develop the plantaation company which why Watawala Plantations is recognised as one of the most valued plantation companies among the 23 RPCs in Sri Lanka. For the measures taken to improve the lives of these innocent people froKotelawala village, I thank the company from the bottom of my heart. I wish them nothing but the best to continue such great intitaives for a long time.” 

Watawala Plantations Chief Executive Officer BineshPananwala said, “As a responsible agribusiness company in the country, we always strive hard to uplift lives of our direct and indirect stakeholders of the plantation community through several social welfare initiatives. The request to build a new dispensary and a Montessori came at a district development committee meeting which was chaired by His Excellency the President Gotabaya Rajapaksha. We took up his request passionately, and today, we are privileged to hand these donations to our beloved people in Kotelawala Village.”

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