CBH Lands leads the next Real Estate wave in Kurunegala

Recognizing the potential for investment in Kurunegala, CBH Lands has capitalized on the increase in demand and expansion within the North Western Province, thus paving the pathway for potential clients to purchase land plots through the developments undertaken by CBH Lands.

What sets CBH Lands apart is their efficiency and skillful planning pertaining to the development and sale of each plot coupled with adeptness of management that goes into understanding the market and consumer mindsets. While their keenness to assist customers extends to providing advice that best suits individual client needs, their investment in the development of the land prior to sale is a cut above.

Affirming their expertise in real estate is CBH Land’s own primary investment on all the plots, which the company acquires. This ensures that the land is screened, legally cleared and then developed according to the demands of clients, thereby giving more value to the best investment a client can make. This multi-tiered process of operations adds to the accountability of the company, and the objective of meeting overall customer satisfaction.

The reasons for land purchasein Kurunegala, mainly for investment, have varied depending on a multitude of reasons. This is mainly driven by the infrastructure development taking place in the area, especially the Central Expressway which will connect Kurunegala to Colombo in less than 1 hour. The 2nd Stage of the Central Expressway connecting Gampaha to the Kurunegala District, a stretch of 40km, will open by May – June 2021.

Furthermore, the demand for land in Kurunegala is driven byseveral factors such as low lending rates – as banks offer around 7% for housing, low fixed deposit rates of 5% per annum or below, and the negligible interest income for Fixed Deposits at the current inflation rate of 4.1%. In comparison, investment in land contains advantages such as absence of sales taxes involved in purchasing land, proven long term investment with minimum investment risk, low overall maintenance cost and finally, the continuous appreciation in value.

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