Lords Mark Industries Ltd. Files Patent for its Bio-chemistry Reagents
Lords Med, the global health care divisionofLord’sMarkIndustries Ltd, has launched a set of 10 world-class re-agents for Triglycerides, Uric Acid, Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Calcium (Arsenazo III), Creatinine, Glucose, Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) / Aspartate Aminotransferas, Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT) and Total Protein.
These re-agents come with 99.7 percent accuracy, the highest level of sensitivity, ashelf-life of 24 months, unique packaging and competitive price-points. The company has filed India patents for the sere-agents which will strengthen the preventive healthcare mechanism for critical diseases.
LordsMed will manufacture these re-agents at its manufacturing facility in Maharashtra and make these re-agents available to pathological labs, hospitals and research institutes through its Pan-India distributionnetwork of over 300 dealers. LordsMed will use the re-agents in its chain of pathological labs as well. Thecompany has plans to export the re-agent in key global markets. LordsMed aims to generate revenue bysupplyingthesereagentsPanIndiaandwithinSAARC,AfricanandEasternEuropecountriesinglobalmarketswithincoupleofyears
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Sachidanand Upadhyay, Managing Director, Lord’s Mark Industries Ltd. said,“The demand for affordable and quality re-agent in India is growing steadily on the back of prevalence ofchronic and infectious diseases, growing awareness of importance of diagnostic intervention and the benefitsof preventive healthcare. Our re-agent with unparalleled accuracy, sensitivity and shelf life will redefine thepre-emptivediagnosticinterventionsframework forcriticaldiseases.AsIndianpatentsarerecognisedglobally,we have filed India patents for our re-agents to get easy acceptance in global markets. With our robustmanufacturing capacity and domestic and global distribution network, we are working towards meeting thegrowing demand forquality re-agentsacrossregions.”
LordsMed has its manufacturing facility at Vasai and the company is currently in the final stage of establishingits second and third manufacturing facilities in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and Silvassa, Union Territory of Dadra& Nagar Haveli respectively. These facilities are poised to set new benchmarks in Asia, in terms of productioncapacity and quality standards.
Lords Mark Industries has entered into technological tie-ups with IIT Bombay, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC) and other premier institutes to develop world-class patent products which will change the face of the diagnostic industry. Lords Mark Industries is working towards developing affordable re-agents with the highest accuracylevel for critical diseases suchas sicklecell, oral cancer and tuberculosis.
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