SLT Training Centre offers world-class BEng (Hons) Degree by the University of Hertfordshire UK

The SLT Training Centre (SLTTC), the education arm of SLT-MOBITEL, now offers students the opportunity to create technology and design solutions to address global engineering challengesthrough knowledge gained by the world-class BEng (Hons) Degree, University of Hertfordshire UK.

The SLTTC invites students to enrol for the prestigious BEng (Hons) Degree, University of Hertfordshire, August intake offered in Sri Lanka,which is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, and supported by tech-giant SLT-MOBITEL, the Nation ICT solution provider.

Additionally, SLTTC holds the sole franchise for the University of Hertfordshire’s BEng (Hons) Engineering Degree programs in South Asia and operates underISO 9001:2015 stringent standards certification.

The University of Hertfordshire is ranked 21 for Electrical Electronic Engineering accredited by Washington Accord, inthe UK and reputed for top-class teaching, facilities and business partnerships, providingstudents with skills, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit that employers seek, ensuring students canwith ease forge successful careers in their chosen field.

Through the University of Hertfordshire,students also have the option to obtain and specialise in engineering-aligned degrees such as the BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Communication Engineering and BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Computer Engineering.

The curriculum provides students the ability to develop knowledge of electronic principlesto gain transferable skills to pursue dream careers. Students who complete the degree will also undertake an intensive six-month industrial training programme organised by SLT-MOBITEL to strengthen their skills.

Supporting students to achieve their goals, and understanding the financial burden, 20% discount offerfor the Master’sDegree atthe University of Hertfordshire UK.

Upon completing the BEng (Hons) Degree, and the Master’s degree, students can obtain a two-year working visa for UK and Australia establishing pathways for their future.

Moreover, SLTTC is offering magnanimous scholarships of up to 30% based on GCE A/L results. Prospective students can enrol in the first year of the programme with their A/L results. Further, those who have completed engineering diplomas such as NDT, NDES, HNDE are eligible to obtain exceptions for the first and second year of the degree programme subject to the university admission requirement fulfilments.

Currently, the SLT Training Centre isrecognised among the flagship institutes in the country, contributing significantly towardsthe development of young ICT professionals, necessary to transform the nation into a tech hub. The University of Hertfordshire’s BEng (Hons) Degree will support them achieve global qualifications in an outstanding local environment.

For information on enrolment, prospective students and parents may call 0112956633 or visit for more information.

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