
Q+ Payment App & LANKAQR generate record weekend sales for 3 top fashion retailers

Three leading fashion retailers recorded cumulative salesover Rs 23 millionin just three weekendsin October and November as a result of promotions that offered cash backs and discounts for payments made via the Q+ Payment App on the LANKAQR platform.

The CommercialBank of Ceylon conducted these promotions to support theLANKAQR National rolloutcampaign by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL),themed‘රටපුරාම LANKAQR’ to promote cashless digital payments via the LANKAQR platform and to popularise Scan & Pay transactions. Notably,Commercial Bank was the only bank in the country to organisethree island-wide promotions of this nature within a period of two months.

These promotions conducted soon after travel restrictions were lifted, were launched in collaboration with House of Fashions, Fashion Bug and Cool Planet outlets and invited retail customers to enjoy cash backs and discounts of 25% when they scan the merchants’ QR codes and pay for their purchases via the Q+ Payment App, which is the first QR-based payment application to be launched under LANKAQR. Customers could perform scan and pay transactions via any LANKAQR compatible appat these merchant outlets.

A total over 3,200 ‘Scan & Pay’ LANKAQR transactions took place during these promotionsin a testament to the fact that both customers and the merchants have acceptedthe Q+ Payment app and LANKAQR platform as a safe, easy, and fast mode of payment for their needs, the Bank said. 

The promotions were an opportunity for customers to not just enjoy discounts at their favourite clothing stores, but also enabled them to experience the convenience and security of subscribing to the latest digital payment method that goes beyond both cashless and card-less payments, the Bank added.

The Q+ Payment App is now the fastest-growing QR app in the country. It has an easy self-registration process, and is well received by customers owing to the convenience and security it offers them in cashless payment processing when they pay for purchases by scanning QR codes via mobile phones or via the in-app bill payment facility. CommercialBank has enabled an innovative payment experience for the Bank’s Q+ customers called ‘Q+ online Pay’ in the Q+ Payment App, which enables Q+ customers to pay for online purchases by entering their mobile numbers in merchant websites and apps that have ‘ComBank Q+’ as a payment option. 

In October, the App surpassed the 100,000 registered customers milestone, doubling its customer base in just five months.

The LANKAQR Nationwide rollout campaign was launched recently to popularise LANKAQR payments among small and medium merchants as a low-cost digital payment method and as a secure and convenient payment solution that can be operated via mobile devices.