Nations Trust Bank Recognised forits Digital Capabilities with 8 Awards at Inaugural FITIS

Nations Trust Bank affirmed its leadership in the digital banking arena, scooping up 8 awards led by an overall Silver in the‘Digitised Organization’ category and a Gold award each in the Connected Product and Workforce Enablement sub-categories, at the inaugural FITIS Digital Excellence Awards & Conclave 2021.

Out of the 34 awards presented on the night, Nations Trust Bankwalked away with the most awards as a bank at the gala event, held at the Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo.

The Digital Excellence Awards honoured the achievements of organizations that successfully planned and executed digital transformation through migrating enterprises from Industry 3.0 to 4.0. The highest level of transparency and impartiality was maintained throughout the evaluation process with each nomination reviewed and validated using a multi-tiered process and assessed by a panel of, both local and international, independent judges composed of industry thought leaders, veterans, and academia.

Priyantha Talwatte, Director/Chief Executive Officer, Nations Trust Bank spoke on the significance of the award. “We are humbled to be recognized on such a platform, sharing the space with so many organizationsrevolutionizing the digital space. It is heartening to see this recognition for our digital capabilities which are, aligned todelivering our vision. As a Bank with a vision – to help people and businesses achieve their goals and aspirations by providing financial services and information in a sustainable way-, we are glad to see our vision being realised in the digital space and our contribution towards building platforms. We like to thank our staff and valued customers who supported us in cocreating these value delivery platforms.”

Nations Trust Bank’s robust digital ecosystem garnered wins as Nations Alpha by Nations Trust Bank received the Merit Award for the overall Digitised Operation category, whilst securing a Bronze for Customer Centric Process Automation and a Merit Award for Agile Operation. The Silver Award for Connected Partner Eco System was secured by FriMi, withthe revolutionary features of FriMi also shining under the Digitised Product & Service category with the digital mobile wallet picking up a Gold for Connected Productand a Silver for Digital Marketing Strategy, under the Digitised Customer Experience category. Nations Trust Bank’s continuous efforts to build a digital ready human capital to deliver the best future forward services to customers and partners were validated with theGold Award for Workforce Enablement. Together the awards made Nations Trust Bank stand high with a Silver for Digitised Organization, setting the industry benchmark.

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