Sadaharitha Group Launches ‘Grantakalpana’ to Spotlight the Beauty of Literature in the Literary Month

Sadaharitha Plantations Ltd, the pioneer in the green investment sector and the leader in commercial forestry in Sri Lanka launched a Facebook campaign titled ‘Grantakalpana’ to highlight the significance of September – the literary month.

The campaign took place throughout the month of September, fostering reading practices amongst the young and adult Facebook users in the country. Users were offered the opportunity of participating in the contest by posting their novels on their profiles and pages, making them eligible to win valuable prizes.

Starting off in early September, the company launched a video highlighting the importance of reading, creating awareness and attraction towards it while spotlighting the impact and effect it has on creativity, critical thinking, knowledge and emotional intelligence. Following this, a competition was announced allowing participants to post their novels and books of choice on the comments section of the post dedicated to Reading Month. Participants who had liked the page liked the post and shared the post were eligible for the weekly prize rounds.

Commenting on this initiative, Sathis Nawarathna, the Chairman of the Sadaharitha Group of companies said, “Digitalization is nothing uncommon today. Digitalization has overtaken and revolved amongst all age groups alike. They spend most of their day staring at digital screens. It is vital to be equipped to face the challenges of the technology-driven World out there. Thereby, creativity, problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence and collaboration are of imperative importance. It is important to stay civilized, empathetic and humane. – only then will the world be a better place.

He added, “We have come to realize the need to revitalize future generations and the generations of today with the values and attributes of literature. In this respect, we hope to launch several programs under our CSR Arm. We hope to get the message on the value of literature to the masses, I am very much happy to see the company come together for such a cause.”

The entry “Book of Imagination” was announced as the winner in the Grantakalpana competition and has been featured on the Sadaharitha Facebook Page. To learn more and to stay updated on such programs whilst uncovering investment opportunities – visit or follow the official Facebook page.

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