Swadeshi Khomba illuminates five most important historic places of worship

The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC the pioneer herbal-personal care products manufacturer once again illuminated the Mahanuwara Sri Vishnu Maha Devalaya, Sabaragamuwa Maha Saman Devalaya, Deraniyagala Saman Devalaya along with Lankathilaka Raja Maha Viharaya and Rideegama Ridee Viharaya, five most important historic places of worship, during Esala festival.

The “Aloka Pooja” was carried out under the theme, “Swadeshi KhombaAloka Puja Sathkaraya”, during the annual Esala festival.

Ms. Amari Wijewardene, Chairperson of Swadeshi said that as a Sri Lankan owned company, we consider it a duty to safeguard the culture and traditional heritage of Sri Lanka by supporting activities such as this annual Aloka Poojawa.

She further observed that, Swadeshi illuminates places of worship in the country for the benefit of all worshippers and also to educate the younger generation on the importance of safeguarding the country’s heritage. The illumination is followed by a colourful cultural pageant which highlights Sri Lankan traditions and history, under the strict Covid 19 safety guidelines.

Sri Maha Vishnu Devalaya is one of the Hatara Devale in the Kandy, having a long association with the Royal Palace ( MahaVasala) and the Temple of Tooth Relic (Sri Dalada Maligawa). Sabaragamuwa Maha Saman Devalaya is the repository for the Sacred Tooth Relic for 11 years in Sri Lankan history (from 1581 AD to 1592 AD). It was built in the 13th century in the reign of King Parakramabahu II. Deraniyagala Saman Devalaya, the ancient temple is a treasure for the area. The legend of this devalaya belongs to the era of King Rajasinghe 11.

LankatilakaRaja MahaViharaya, history runs back to the Gampola Kingdom era. King Buwanekabahu IV has built this temple in 1344 AD. This temple was of four stories earlier and what is seen today is the ground floor and part of the first floor of the earlier temple. According to the Mahavamsa, the history of RideegamaRideeViharaya which was illuminated by Swadeshi stretches up to Anuradhapuara era. The legend says, RideeViharaya had been commissioned in remembrance of the place from where silver was extracted to build RuwanmeliMahaSaaya in King Dutugemunu’s epoch.

In 2013 the ‘Sri DaladaMaligawa’ of historic Dambadeni Raja MahaViharaya, where the sacred tooth relic was kept and the ancient murals were renovated by Swadeshi Chairperson Ms. Amari Wijewardene to bring back its past glory.

Ms. Amari Wijewardene is the great granddaughter of Helena Wijewardene Lamatheni, who initiated renovations of the Kelaniya Raja MahaViharaya in 1927.

Swadeshi also supports the annual AlokaPoojawaof Kataragama Kiri Vehera, Ruhunu Maha Kataragama Devalaya, Sella Kataragama Devalaya, Devundara Uthpalawarna Sri Vishnu MahaDevalaya, Aluthnuwara Sri DadimundaMahaDevalaya, AmmaduwaKuda Kataragama Devalaya, Dambadeniya Raja MahaViharayaand Keragala Raja MahaViharaya.

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