SLT-MOBITEL ‘A/L Kuppiya’ offers holistic digital learning experience

SLT-MOBITEL the National ICT Solutions Provider demonstrating its commitment toenhance knowledge and educationfacilities for future generations has scaled up digital learning for students with an enhanced A/L Kuppiya service.

SLT-MOBITEL understands that education is the foundation of success, especially for students preparing for their milestone G.C.E. Advanced Level (A/L) examinations. A/L Kuppiya, as SLT-MOBITEL’s pioneering digital learning platform, now offers new capabilities and features adapting to the unique needs of students who require additional support to reach their goals.

Mr. Prabhath  Dahanayaka, Chief Marketing Officer, SLT said, “With the acceleration of the use of digital products and the growing use of data to improve student outcomes, A/L Kuppiya’s new intuitive and purposeful features will further deliver on the promise of empowering students to receive additional help outside the conventional classrooms and support teachers in their profession.”

Empowering learners with improved accessibility and innovative features, A/L Kuppiya now offers ‘Kuppiya VOD’ or a Video-On Demand service, ‘Kuppiya Live’, a live teaching platform and‘Kuppiya Store’, an e-commerce platform for students to purchase A/L books and stationery. Other new value additions include ‘Tuition Handiya’, ‘After A/L’s’ and ‘A/L Squad eka’.

With thegoal of creating an optimal digital learning experience for students, the app is now available for download through four application platforms such as the Desktop app and three mobile appsin Google Play Store, Apple AppStoreand the HuaweiAppGallery.The links todownload can be accessed by visiting the www.alkuppiya.lkweb site or simply searching ’A/L Kuppiya’ in the respective mobile application stores.

The app offers a comprehensive learning experience for A/L students’ from all subject streams. A/L Kuppiya’s ‘Kuppiya VOD’ ensures students have access to high quality video lessons for advanced level subjects and are able to improve their self-learning abilities.21 core subjects are offered with more than 1500 video lessons presented by 60+ teachers.

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