SLIM launches South Asian Journal of Marketing (SAJM): Volume 2

The SLIM Research Bureau (SRB), the research arm of SLIM, recently launched the first issue of the second volume of the South Asian Journal of Marketing (SAJM) together with the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and Emerald Publishing, UK.

The recently launched SRB is committed to supportingstudents, marketers, SMEs and entrepreneurs to be at the forefront of decision-making and planning, as a trusted and reliable source. Furthermore, this initiative focuses on the enhancement of innovation, education and learning to strengthen the marketing community, academia and industry on the journey towards a knowledge-based economy.

The South Asian Journal of Marketing is the first-ever Emerald Journal established in Sri Lanka in association with Emerald Publishing, UK. As the Founding Editor/ Co-Editors-in-Chief, Professor Jayantha N. Dewasiri stated, “This issue is dedicated to the late Professor Uditha Liyanage, an invaluable contributor to the development and elevation of the marketing fraternity in South Asia,who tackled diverse subjects that are faced across the global marketing industry”.

Professor Uditha Liyanage was an Honorary Fellow Member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), a past member of the Board of Study at SLIM, a Chartered Marketer and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). He also served as the Director and Professor at the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This issue is dedicated in his memory with extreme regard and aims at honouring his dedication to the marketing arena.

Commenting on the launch of the first issue of Volume Two, SLIM President Ms. Thilanka Abeywardena stated,“To navigate challenges of the post-pandemic economy, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of nurturing knowledge-based industries, businesses and a society at large. SLIM Research Bureau was launched as part of the ‘Future-Ready Sri Lanka’ national initiative spearheaded by SLIM, with the aim of encouraging marketers, entrepreneurs, students and business leaders to support their commercial and non-commercial/ academic research needs. This publication is another important step towards achieving this objective. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to theSLIM Governing Council,Managing Partner (Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka) and Publishing Partner (Emerald Publishing) for their continued collaboration to make this effort a great success. As the National Body for Marketing in Sri Lanka, SLIM strives to educate and inspire marketers across South Asia, especially in Sri Lanka.”

SLIM, as the national body for marketing, launched ‘Re-Start Sri Lanka’ in 2020, a national campaign that focused on energising the general public to gradually get accustomed and eventually thrive in an environment where new norms were dictated by the pandemic. Phase one of Re-Start Sri Lanka was a campaign about the resilience of Lankans, and SLIM motivated individuals to find new opportunities to succeed. Phase two of ‘Re-Start Sri Lanka’ is a national campaign called ‘Future Ready Sri Lanka’, which focuses on building the knowledge economy of the country.

As the managing partner, Professor Athula Gnanapala (Dean, Faculty of Management Studies) stated, “We are excited to be partnered with the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing and Emerald Publishing to establish the first-ever Emerald journal based in Sri Lanka. As academic institutions, our primary responsibility is to establish and maintain recognized journals in Sri Lanka in order to open up new avenues for future generations of research. We are happy to release this issue in September, when we are celebrating our 25th anniversary of the faculty.” Inclusive of five original research contributions across marketing domains and countries, this issue is a testament to the diversity of contributions madeby scholars from across the world whowere welcomed to submit their research contributions.

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