The Sri Lanka Retailers Association announces, Sri Lanka Retail Forum 2021

The Sri Lanka Retailers Association (Guarantee) Ltd (SLRA), recently entered in an MOU with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce to organize the island’s premier retail sector forum for the fifth successful year.  This year’s Sri Lanka Retail Forum themed, ‘Recharging Retail: Resilience to Results’ is scheduled for the 13th October 2021. SLRA is the sole industry body for this sector, representing 47 leading and national level retail firms, with countrywide reach across various product segments.

The forum this year will have industry experts from across the world along with local pioneers within the sector. The focus will be on four thematic sessions this year: catering to the post-pandemic consumer, driving your talent strategy, winning through your omni channel Presence and an experience sharing panel on overcoming the challenges from the pandemic.

Speaking at the signing Mr. Infiyaz Ali Chief Executive Officer – Healthguard Pharmacy Limited (Vice Chairman SLRA), stated “this year’s Sri Lanka Retailers Forum will set the stage to explore the challenges and opportunities for business in the current context and how they could move ahead by using right talent and technology to evolve and stay current. I encourage all businesses to take part in these sessions to explore these opportunities and expand their boundaries to stay ahead and win in these unprecedented times.”

This forum is ideal for those keen on learning new trends and innovations in the retail industry, and it will cover a wide range of new insights. If you wish to take part in this event, call 115588881 or email

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