ARMX celebrates International Security Officers’ Day for the first time in Sri Lanka

ARMX Security Solutions Private Limited (ARMX) celebrated International Security Officers’ Day on the 24th of July 2021, for the first time in the history of Sri Lanka’s security industry.

An initiative that all partnering clients took to heart, involved a series of attempts to appreciate and recognise the 24/7 service of security officers attached to a variety of businesses. This celebration followed the precedent of the celebration of International Security Officers’ Day, across the world and was introduced by ARMX to Sri Lanka.

An occupation that demands extensive hours, long nights and most often time away from their families, these security officers are underappreciated. In worse cases, they deal with severe verbal, mental and emotional abuse while on the job. Trained to quickly adjust and provide service with a smile, they lack the recognition they deserve for their service.

Following in the footsteps of the global celebration of International Security Officers’ Day, AMRX decided to initiate the celebration in Sri Lanka hoping that it will make a difference, opening the eyes of Sri Lankans and people around the world to the importance of treating security officers with kindness and respect. The feelings of fulfilment that come from being appreciated and valued for their services, are sure to further motivate these hardworking individuals. 

A trusted security solutions provider partnering with Sri Lankan businesses that seek to compete in a global dynamic, ARMX strives to change the perception of security officers by giving unskilled people the training required to enter the workforce as skilled security officers. By instilling a mind-set of respect and pride in work, ARMX aims to be the undisputed leader in the Commercial Security Industry of Sri Lanka. With a motto of, “We succeed, when you succeed”, this organization perseveres towards excellence in service and prioritized their customers.

With over 17+ years of experience in providing security solutions in high-risk environments, ensuring the safety of businesses, ARMX is a partner that works to ensure a customised security strategy and solution designed specifically for the businesses of their clients. With a repertoire of highly professional security personnel adaptable to every workplace environment, ARMX has supported over 200 clients and catered to over 800 events.

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