Hemas Hospitals launches fourth ICC at The Blue Water Hotel & Spa

Affirming its continued, deep commitment to save lives, leading private healthcare provider Hemas Hospitals, recently introduced their fourthintermediate care centre for COVID-19 positive patients, in partnership with The Blue Water Hotel & Spa, Wadduwa.

The high-end medical facility is managed under the stringent directives of the Ministry of Health, and has been fitted into a fully-equipped, state-of-the-art care centre with an in-house High Dependency Unit (HDU) capable of delivering criticalcare to patients.

The launch comes at a time when over 17% of symptomatic COVID-19 patients in Sri Lanka were reported by the The State Ministry of Primary Healthcare, Epidemics and COVID Disease Controlto have required oxygen treatment, while 4-5% of these patients were directed to intensive care units due to severe implications caused by the latest crippling variant of COVID-19. However, due to the steep daily increase in the number of positive patients, treatment facilities continue to be overwhelmed, leaving a large proportion of patients to cope withor succumb to implications at their homes. In such a complex backdrop, Hemas Hospital looks to expand its COVID-19 treatment facilities and centres to ensure that all Sri Lankans who require life-saving care at this time have unhindered access to it.

“With the rapidly progressing pandemic resulting in an unfortunate steep increase in the number of positive cases across the country, we believe it is our immediate duty as a responsible healthcare provider to protect these patients by facilitating their access to life saving care. Our ICC partnerships were forged upon this ethos, and we are happy to havetied up with the five-star Blue Water Hotel, Wadduwa to launch our fourth. Our care centers are fully equipped to handle a broad scope of severe implications caused by the virus on premise, to ensure patient safety and comfort. Apart from access to a portfolio of luxury amenities, patients are in the care of a highly-skilled and deeply committed clinical teamcapable of providing superior, personalised and safe medical care as they attempt to transition through this difficult and stressful period of isolation, healing and rest,” Hemas Hospitals and Laboratories Managing Director and President, Association of Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Dr. Lakith Peiris stated.

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