Ceylinco Life supports Kantale Base Hospital

Ceylinco Life’s latest donation of High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) equipmenthas benefitted the Kantale Base Hospital, another healthcare institution in need of enhanced non-invasive ventilator facilities to treat patients with severe hypoxic respiratory failure who require oxygen.

The HFNC will also enable the Hospital’s medical team to bridge patients being weaned from invasive ventilation.

The life insurance leader recently presented similar equipment to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila and the Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa. These donations arepart of a Ceylinco Life initiative to support institutions at the forefront of treating victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A consistent benefactor of government hospitals, Ceylinco Life has also built, equipped, and donated High Dependency Units (HDUs) to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, the National Hospital, Colombo, the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital, and the Jaffna Teaching Hospital. HDUs are needed to upgrade a patient from normal care or as a step down from intensive care, helping release beds in the intensive care units. These units are used for post-surgery care, before transferring patients to the wards, or to treat an intensive disease.

Pictured here are representatives of Ceylinco Life and the Kantale Hospital at the presentation of the equipment. Ceylinco Life was represented by the Heads of Branches in the Trincomalee and Kantale regions, Messrs Sunil Gunawardana, SarathJayasundara, Chinthaka Weerasinghe, and G. Alexander and Financial Planner Mr Sampath Hendawitharana, while the hospital was represented by the Regional Director of Health Trincomalee and Medical Superintendent of the Base Hospital Kantale Dr D. G. M. Costa, Acting Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Tharaka Gunarathna, Consultant Surgeon Dr Rathnarajah Rohankumar, and Eye Surgeon Dr Sidath Hendawitharana.

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