The Peugeot Lion Roars Louder

The world’s oldest surviving automotive brand is reaffirming its personality and character with anew logo. It is turning over a new page in its history.

PEUGEOT unveiled its new logo, a coat of arms adorned with a magnificent lion’s head that hasalways been part of the brand. It shines a proud spotlight on the values of the PEUGEOT brand.

The new logo embodies what PEUGEOT meant yesterday, what PEUGEOT means today, andwhat PEUGEOT will mean tomorrow. This logo has been designed to last. This is the meaning ofthis coat of arms, a timeless, universal and multicultural form of identity. It is a distinctive symbolof belonging, and of recognition. It is synonymous with prestige, confidence, longevity and lineage.With it and its new visual identity, PEUGEOT is joining history and hyper-modernity.

Since 1850, PEUGEOT has had ten successive logos, all of which feature the lion’s emblem. Overthe last 10 years, the entire product range has undergone astonishing upmarket move. And thisis what it has achieved: “International Van of the year” with the PEUGEOT e-Expert in 2021 andPartner in 2019, and three “Car of the Year” on the road (PEUGEOT 308 chosen in 2014,PEUGEOT 3008 chosen in 2017 and PEUGEOT 208chosen in 2020). And above all, an electrifiedrange, for both passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. This move upmarket and in value isnow being perfected by work on the design of the brand itself.

Today an eleventh version, evenmore streamlined, more qualitative and more elegant, has just been created by the PEUGEOTDesign Lab, the PEUGEOT brand’s Global Brand Design studio.

At the beginning of 2021, with the launch of a range that will be ushered in by the new PEUGEOT 308, with a new website and with the creation of STELLANTIS, the stars are aligned.

PEUGEOT is a brand in tune with the times. With even a step ahead of its time, it keeps abreastof innovation, anticipates changes in behavior and paves the way for new mobility solutions.PEUGEOT has had the experience of all the revolutions: industrial, technological, political, social,digital and, now, environmental – the energy transition and zero-carbon mobility being at theheart of its strategy for a sustainable future. All this forms PEUGEOT’s DNA.PEUGEOT’s objective is to offer its current and future customers a brand that meets theirrequirements.

The PEUGEOT Brand is timeless. It is reinventing itself, over and over again.Carmart is Sri Lanka’s only authorized agent for Peugeot, as well as the longest-runningPeugeot dealership in Asia. For more information please visit

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