
Nawaloka Hospitals launches two Intermediate Care Centresfor COVID-19′ patients

Pioneering Sri Lankan private healthcare provider Nawaloka Hospitals, recently introduced two new intermediate care centres for  the treatment of asymptomatic COVID-19′ positive patients.

The fully-equipped treatment centres are hosted in partnership with Mt. Lavinia Hotel Colombo and Mirage Hotel Colombo, which have been converted and geared to safely manage patients approved to seek private medical treatment by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.

“The Nawaloka Intermediate Care Centres were borne out of a desire to help reduce the great burden on our government’s healthcare system caused by the rapidly evolving pandemic. The centres are exclusively for asymptomatic patients, who prefer an uninterrupted period of treatment and quarantine at a comfortable and safe facility. We are confident that with our team of dedicated and highly-skilled team of medical experts, we have been able to create a protected environment that accelerates healing and supports patients through this difficult time. All of our COVID-19′ care operations are conducted under the strict directives dictated by the Ministry of Health.”Nawaloka Hospitals Deputy Chairman Harshith Dharmadasa stated.

Patients who test positive for COVID-19′ can reach out to Nawaloka Hospitals to book a room in either intermediate care centre. The hospital will then transport the patient safely to the centre, for a mandatory period of treatment and quarantine – 10 days after the initial PCR test as deemed by government health authorities. Patients will be treated to high quality, comprehensive care services offered by an exclusive, highly-skilled clinical team to oversee and manage all operations within the centre.

All patients will be screened daily and their progress will be closely tracked, while any other ailments that are discovered during routine checks will immediately referred to a specialist medical consultant. If the patient’s condition escalates drastically, they will be carefully transferred to a special, isolated Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

All rooms are thoroughly disinfected after every stay to eliminate all risks of cross-contamination amongst staff and patients. All food and beverage is prepared under strict hygienic conditions by the experienced chefs known for curating quality culinary experiences at each hotel, and takes into account particular dietary requirements submitted by each patient.Having partnered with a professional disposal company, the hospital ensures that all garbage and waste will be incinerated and cautiously disposed in a routine manner. As a leader in Sri Lanka’s healthcare industry, Nawaloka Hospitals has innovated numerous measures to care for patients while impeding the spread of the virus in the country. Practices like drive-thru lab testing and channeling, home visit PCR and lab tests solutions, home delivery of medication and telehealth consultations were immediately launched to enable patients to continue their medical care without visiting the hospital physically.