Ceylinco Healthcare invests Rs 15 million to upgrade Brachytherapy system

The CeylincoRadiation Treatment Centre, the only private hospital in the country to offer Brachytherapy (internal radiation)forthe treatment of cancer,has announcedupgrades toits treatment planning and delivery systemsto further improve accuracy and efficiency.

An investment of Rs 15 million, the upgrade offersConsultant Oncologists andMedical Physicists involved in treatment planning enhanced capabilities to plan and deliver the required precision treatments, the Centre said.

Brachytherapy is a treatment that involves placing radioactive material in the body of the cancer patient. It is used for treating cervical andendometrial cancer as well asoesophageal, head andneck, vaginal, rectal and lung cancers.

Elaborating on the upgrade, the Centre said the installation of new Treatment Planning System (TPS) hardware using the latest OncentraBrachy 4.6 version upgrade anda Treatment Delivery System upgrade with the newest Treatment Console System (TCS)hardware running on the MHDR V3 TCS 3.1.6 upgrade,was undertaken by DIMO, the local agent forElekta Medical Systems of the Netherlands.

Components such as the GYN Transfer Tube sets, X-Ray Catheter sets, and the Fletcher-Williamson applicator sets were also replaced with the upgrade, the Centre said.   

With the upgrade, cancer patients can experience more precise treatments offered by the new software which has 3D contouring and margin tools for anatomy definitions and image registration,fast catheter reconstruction algorithms for implant reconstructions,dose point optimisation and geometric optimisation. Plan analysis tools such as synchronized plan evaluation for comparison are also an advantage.

Owned and managed by Ceylinco Healthcare Services Ltd. (CHSL), the Ceylinco Radiation Treatment Centre has a Selectron HDR Brachytherapy System which was installed in 2007 and has successfully provided brachytherapy treatment over the past 13 years. The Centre also offers radiation treatment via linear accelerator, radioactive iodine treatment and chemotherapy, while the CeylincoTomotherapy Centre also owned by CHSL is the only facility offering tomotherapy in Sri Lanka.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of Sri Lanka’s leading life insurance company Ceylinco Life, Ceylinco Healthcare Services Limited operates the most experienced and affordable private cancer treatment centres in the country. These centres have successfully administered radiation therapy to over 7,000 patients in Sri Lanka over the past decade.

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